Operators and Expressions – Part I (Introduction)

We have already known the general introduction about C programming language, its constants, variables, statements and how to read input and write output in a formatted manner. Now, here we will see the various types of operators used in C. Let’s begin with its introduction in this post.

Operators in C

An operator specifies an operation to be performed on the operand. The variables, constant can be joined by various operators to form expressions. An operand is a data item on which an operator acts. Some operator required two operands, while others can act upon only one operand. Those operators which required two operands known as binary operators whereas operators which required only one operator are the unary operator. Also, some operators are ternary operators which require three operands. C includes a large number of operators that fall under several different categories which are as:

  1. Arithmetic operator
  2. Assignment operator
  3. Increment and decrement operator
  4. Relational operator
  5. Logical operators
  6. Conditional operator
  7. Comma operator
  8. Sizeof operator
  9. Bitwise operator

From our next posts, we will see about each of these operators in detail.

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