Input and Output – Part V (Formatted I/O – Floating Point Numeric Data)

We have already known what formatted input output is for integer data. Now we will see about the formatted input output for floating point numeric data. Let’s get started …

Formatted Input Output in C (Floating Point Numeric Data)

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Input and Output – Part IV (Formatted I/O – Integer Data)

We have already known what conversion specifiers, how to read input data from the user and how to write an output data to the console. Though we can perform read and write operations without any particular format just by following the particular syntax, we can follow format specifications through which we can obtain the better presentation of the result. Formatted input and output mean that data is entered and displayed in a particular format. We have a different format for different specifications. Now it’s time to know about them. Let’s get started with the integer data.

Formatted Input Output in C (Integer Data)

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